Midwest Special Needs Trust

Banking & Investment Options

MSNT contracts with True Link Financial to hold trust assets and manage investments for sub-accounts.

Investment Options

Mutual funds provide diversification of investments which are designed to be more stable. Descriptions of the investment portfolios options include the asset allocation mix for the model portfolio and are available here. MSNT staff are not investment advisors and cannot provide investment guidance to Donors regarding investment elections. MSNT encourages the Donor to discuss investments with trusted professionals and to consider a variety of factors including but not limited to risk tolerance, the time horizon for use of the account and investment goals to preserve the sub-account’s assets and maximize benefit to the Beneficiary. Investment accounts are not FDIC insured. Investments involve risks and the market balance of sub-account can fluctuate due to investment losses as well as gains.

Investment Direction and Selection

When the trust agreement is completed the Donor must complete instructions to direct the investment of sub-account assets.

If the Donor elects MSNT to make investment decisions, decisions will be made in accordance with the Investment Policy. The Investment Policy helps ensures the sub-account will maintain for as long as practicable based on the Beneficiary’s personal circumstances.

If the donor elects to make investment decisions, the sub-account will be invested in the selected option. Investment changes can be made quarterly using the Investment Portfolio Change Form. The form is available by request.

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