Using a Trust

Once a sub-account has been funded and opened, the Co-Trustee can submit a request for funds for the Beneficiary’s supplemental needs. A signed Request for Funds form and supporting documentation is required. MSNT trust specialists will review the request for funds to ensure compliance with applicable federal and state polices. Review, approval and mailing can take up to 10 business days.

Guidelines for trust distributions

The following chart provides general guidelines and expense categories for trust use. It is not a comprehensive list or guarantee of payment.


      • Medical, dental and equipment not covered by benefits
      • Supplemental or support services not covered by benefits
      • Rehabilitation training and therapy not covered by benefits
      • Education including tuition, books and supplies
      • Irrevocable prepaid burial policies
      • Clothing
      • Non-food grocery items, such as personal care, cleaning and hobby supplies
      • Transportation expenses
      • Household goods and furnishings
      • Travel expenses
      • Home modifications for accessibility or equipment for home care
      • Phone, cable and internet services
      • Entertainment items and event
      • ABLE account


      • Cash or payment to the Beneficiary
      • Room and board or base rate for a residential facility
      • Rent or mortgage payments
      • Basic utilities (electric, gas, water, sewer, trash)
      • Groceries, food items or dining out
      • Alcohol
      • Gambling
      • Weapons, firearms or explosives
      • Charitable donations or gifts to others
      • Anything covered by another funding source (Medicaid, Medicare, private insurance, etc.)
      • Any payment after the death of the Beneficiary

Minimum Trust Account Balance

MSNT requires a minimum balance of $500 in each sub-account. Once the balance falls below $500, the Co-Trustee, Beneficiary or other responsible party is notified, and additional funds may be deposited. If additional funds are not available, MSNT initiates termination.

Sole Trustee

When all designated Co-Trustees and Successor Co-Trustees are no longer willing or able to serve or when no Co-Trustees are named as part of the trust agreement, MSNT serves as Sole Trustee. As Sole Trustee, MSNT will communicate directly with the Beneficiary or other responsible party to identify needs, document expenses and complete the Request for Funds form. A Sole Trustee fee will be applied.

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