Distribution Requirements

All request for funds must be signed by the Co-Trustee, if one has been named. If MSNT is Sole Trustee, the Beneficiary or responsible party can sign. MSNT reviews all request for funds and has the authority to approve or deny each request.

General guidelines and expense categories for trust use.

The following provides general guidelines and expense categories for trust use. It is not a comprehensive list or guarantee of payment.

  • Medical, dental and equipment not covered by benefits
  • Supplemental or support services not covered by benefits
  • Rehabilitation training and therapy not covered by benefits
  • Education including tuition, books and supplies
  • Irrevocable Prepaid Burial policies
  • Clothing
  • Non-food grocery items, such as personal care, cleaning and hobby supplies
  • Transportation expenses
  • Household goods and furnishings
  • Travel expenses
  • Home modifications for accessibility or equipment for home care
  • Phone, cable and internet services
  • Entertainment items and events
  • ABLE Account

Co-Trustees, Beneficiaries and responsible parties are encouraged to submit request for funds to purchase an irrevocable prepaid burial policy. MSNT cannot make distributions from the sub-account after the Beneficiary’s date of death, including expenses incurred prior to death and funeral expenses.

Procedure for Requesting a Distribution

  • Complete the Request for Funds Form. The Co-Trustee should complete the Request for Funds Form. The signature of the Co-Trustee is required and indicates approval of the request for funds. If MSNT is Sole Trustee, the Beneficiary or responsible party can sign.
  • The Request for Funds Form must be accompanied by supporting documents including an itemized bill, invoice, statement, or paid receipt. Special needs trusts are reviewed by the Social Security Administration and state Medicaid authorities to ensure proper use the trust and continued eligibility.

Some requests for distributions require special forms and documents.

Please contact our office if you want funds for the following:

    • Purchase of an automobile.
    • Funds for a vacation or other travel.

Submitting a Request for Funds

Submit the Request for Funds Form and supporting documentation to MSNT by mail, fax or email using the contact information at the bottom of the form.

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